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Auspicious Beginnings..

Sept 2: Bangkok, Thailand – somewhere in Banglamphu / Khao san Rd.


Following a crazy week of packing, cleaning and trying to get things all wrapped up in Tokyo. We arrived at Monday morning having staying up all night with taking care of the last minute details. Monday was then full of symbolic activities – disconnecting the internet that has been my lifeline for the last 12 years; handing in and canceling the mobile phone number that I have had my entire time in Japan; handing over the car keys for shipping to Australia; passing on the house keys to my mate Marc and then the final act of lugging our last meager possessions onto our backs for the mad scramble to the airport. (Alm0st missed it as usual)

We finally arrived at Bangkok at 1am for the start of our travels and after checking into a late night hotel, the plan was to very happily sleep in and make up for several days with no such liberties in the chaos of our Tokyo departures. And as is the case with all great plans, our sleep-in  was in turn interrupted when we were woken up by the most magnificent sound eminating from a Mosque loudspeaker, right outside our room!

“The Azan” is a muslim call to prayer and you would really struggle to find a more beautiful piece of song / music anywhere in the world. A fantastic way to wake up & great omen really – Tokyo this most certainly not…!


The Artist & the Spinster – Miyagi, Japan

Pretty creative dudes - webbage with style

Pretty creative dudes – webbage with style


WildFlowers – Miyagi, Japan

A wild encounter with the local flora, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

A wild encounter with the local flora, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan


Leaving Tokyo


出発の朝: 雨の明治公園

出発の朝: 雨の明治公園




ようやく一息ついたのは、成田エクスプレスに乗り込んでからのことだった。長年の夢だった世界一周旅行に出発するのだか ら、ちょっぴりの感傷にしんみりとしながら押さえきれない期待、少しの不安に胸を高鳴らせながら日本をあとにする・・・なんて自分を思い浮かべていたわけ ではないけれど、もうちょっと出発前のときめきを楽しむ余裕が持てれば良かったな。そんな風に思ってもあとの祭。出発までに終わらせることができなかった 仕事のことが頭の隅にひっかかっていてテンションが低くなっている私だったけれど、スコットのいつもと変わらない穏やかな言葉に頭を切り替える。





Kurokawa Onsen – Kyushu, Japan

The best hot spring resort in Japan, a nice farewell!

The best hot spring resort in Japan, a nice farewell!

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Yakusugi Land – Yakushima, Japan

Sweating our way up mountains to hang with the Ents of Yakushima

Sweating our way up mountains to hang with the Ents of Yakushima


Home Sweet Home: Miyagi, Japan


G’Day!Konitchiwa !