The stunning view from Table Mountain overlooking Capetown and Cape of Good Hope. The last known whereabouts of Pchan…RIP!
Table Mountain – Capetown, South Africa
Posted in: Feature Photos
– Posted on April 8, 2010
The stunning view from Table Mountain overlooking Capetown and Cape of Good Hope. The last known whereabouts of Pchan…RIP!
Copyright Melting Plots.
P-chan loved Table Mountain so much he decided to stay there…no, I obviously got too pre-occupired and lost him…X-O Miss him so much. Africa’s been great, about to go off to climb Kilimanjaro next week. BTW congrats on your engagement, looking forward to exchanging stories!
ohh… That is so sad. It sure is a place many individuals get lost… mysteriously! lest hope he was not one of the unlucky ones. I hope he found a she-friend and lives happily in S-Africa.
Oh no….Pchan is missing?!
Great pix of Africa so far, guys.