Archive for October 23rd, 2009


“In the Tubing” – Vang Vieng, Laos

Sunset over Vang Vieng - after a day floating wasted down the river in tire tubes. Simply fantastic! ラオス・バンビエンで、タイヤチューブに乗っての川下りで童心に返ったあとに見た夕焼け

Sunset over Vang Vieng – after a day floating wasted down the river in tire tubes. Simply fantastic!



Hmong school kiddies, Laos

Kids attending a school in a small Hmong hill tribe village in Northern Laos.  ラオス北部の山岳民族、ハモンの子供たち。そっとのぞいた小学校の質素な教室は子供たちのにぎやかな声でいっぱい

Kids attending a school in a small Hmong hill tribe village in Northern Laos.  ラオス北部の山岳民族、ハモンの子供たち。そっとのぞいた小学校の質素な教室は子供たちのにぎやかな声でいっぱい